Delivery information
Buruj places a high value on the urgency of your orders. We are committed to ensuring
that your requested products are delivered to your doorstep in the shortest possible
timeframe. Once your order is confirmed, a confirmation email will be sent to you from
our dedicated Customer Services Department.
Your selected products will be delivered to the provided address within 2 to 3 business
days for anywhere in Bangladesh.
Our shipping process commences within 12 hours. Therefore, if you wish to cancel or
modify your order, please promptly inform our Customer Services Department.
that your requested products are delivered to your doorstep in the shortest possible
timeframe. Once your order is confirmed, a confirmation email will be sent to you from
our dedicated Customer Services Department.
Your selected products will be delivered to the provided address within 2 to 3 business
days for anywhere in Bangladesh.
Our shipping process commences within 12 hours. Therefore, if you wish to cancel or
modify your order, please promptly inform our Customer Services Department.
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